Last year, (June, 2010), I decided that I ne
eded to create a comfortable place for the many frogs that seemed to like to hang out around our house in way Southwest Austin, Texas. The creeks around here are only seasonal so I worried about them. So, I dug a hole in the garden, lined it with some pond lining and added rocks, some water poppies and some other plants to create shade and hiding places. There are ever-changing caves and escape routes made from rocks and things as I keep trying to think of ways to make this frog and goldfish habitat interesting and inviting.
This pond is also home to Large Marge and her friend George (George has a large and beautiful tail, so I named him after George Cloony). They were "feeder" goldfish I rescued from the local pet store. Marge is just huge and greedy and keeps getting bigger and bigger - love her! I enjoy sitting on the front steps and discussing things with the Marge and George and whatever frog or toad happens to be hanging out at the time. Marge eats fish flakes out of my hands. Marge would probably eat fish flakes from a snake's jaws.
The first frog residents of the
pond were all Rio Grande Leopard Frogs. They were so happy, they laid eggs during the summer! No tadpoles, though. I think snakes ate the eggs. Or the tadpoles.
Over the course of the last year, through trial and error, I made the following changes:
1. Drained the pond and dug it about 8 inches deeper so that it would not get too hot in the summer;
2. Added plants of different heights, to create shade and interest;
3. Added a big net on top so the green herons would stop fishing in the pond. RIP to my two smallest goldfish;
4. Sprayed a non-toxic peppermint based oil around the perimeter to keep out all the garden snakes that started hanging out. It worked!
The latest residents have been a Blanchard's cricket frog, a tiny tree frog that seemed very happy hanging out for a few weeks, then mysteriously disappeared. (This was pre-net and I
blame the green herons.)
Cute, huh?
After the net went up, in May, 2011, the next steady residents have been a teeny little leopard frog, just a yearling, and a GIANT toad. I was a little worried about the little frog because he disappeared for a week after I was gone for a week visiting friends in California. I checked for him every day, but no little frog. Today, June 21, 2011, he showed up again! He stuck his head out and blinked at me as I said hello. Sure glad he didn't turn out to be snake food.
This is Mr. Toad (or Ms. Toad). Toad lives here full-time just about and is huge. He lets me reach in and pet him. The other night, a neighbor and I were sitting talking and he jumped up on a rock and joined the discussion for a bit, then proceeded to hop away from us, taking very deliberate hops, right in the middle of the walkway with no attempt whatsoever to hide. We have to be careful at night, because he is often hunting around the back door. Good toad! Eat those scorpions!
This pond is also home to Large Marge and her friend George (George has a large and beautiful tail, so I named him after George Cloony). They were "feeder" goldfish I rescued from the local pet store. Marge is just huge and greedy and keeps getting bigger and bigger - love her! I enjoy sitting on the front steps and discussing things with the Marge and George and whatever frog or toad happens to be hanging out at the time. Marge eats fish flakes out of my hands. Marge would probably eat fish flakes from a snake's jaws.
The first frog residents of the
Over the course of the last year, through trial and error, I made the following changes:
1. Drained the pond and dug it about 8 inches deeper so that it would not get too hot in the summer;
2. Added plants of different heights, to create shade and interest;
3. Added a big net on top so the green herons would stop fishing in the pond. RIP to my two smallest goldfish;
4. Sprayed a non-toxic peppermint based oil around the perimeter to keep out all the garden snakes that started hanging out. It worked!
The latest residents have been a Blanchard's cricket frog, a tiny tree frog that seemed very happy hanging out for a few weeks, then mysteriously disappeared. (This was pre-net and I
Cute, huh?
After the net went up, in May, 2011, the next steady residents have been a teeny little leopard frog, just a yearling, and a GIANT toad. I was a little worried about the little frog because he disappeared for a week after I was gone for a week visiting friends in California. I checked for him every day, but no little frog. Today, June 21, 2011, he showed up again! He stuck his head out and blinked at me as I said hello. Sure glad he didn't turn out to be snake food.
This is Mr. Toad (or Ms. Toad). Toad lives here full-time just about and is huge. He lets me reach in and pet him. The other night, a neighbor and I were sitting talking and he jumped up on a rock and joined the discussion for a bit, then proceeded to hop away from us, taking very deliberate hops, right in the middle of the walkway with no attempt whatsoever to hide. We have to be careful at night, because he is often hunting around the back door. Good toad! Eat those scorpions!
Awesome! I love it!